Video SEO: Tips to improving traffic to your videos

Videos should be optimized just as websites should be. By optimizing your business’s videos you will get more views, more traffic to your website, and more conversions. Here are some best practices to follow when optimizing videos.

  • Have Relative Content – Visitors don’t appreciate poor, sloppy, or irrelevant content on websites they click on. Video is no different. Having poor content in your videos can confuse your audience and actually hurt your results, rankings, and brand, more than help them. Be sure to plan the content and flow for your videos, write scripts that visitors and viewers will find useful, and give your videos a professional look.
  • Optimize for your keywords – It’s important to make videos around your keywords and keyword themes, and optimize the content for those keywords. You should optimize and add your main keywords to:
    • The title of the video
    • The tags
    • File name
    • The URL
    • Link text
    • The meta description.
  • Develop a linking strategy– Getting your videos in front of potential customers is important. Here are a few ways to build a good linking strategy.
    • Cross-linking (referring to another one of your videos) – Cross-linking your videos is similar to adding internal links on your website pages. You allow users to check out your other videos that they may be interested in watching by referring to them in the current video you are creating.
    • Adding your video to blog posts or referring your video via anchor text on your website are great ways to get more people to watch your video. Also, you can suggest the video to other blogs in your market or niche. If your video is useful and has relevant content, they may post your video to their blog or website too.
    • Post on sharing sites will get your video in front of more potential customers. There are free and paid options and can be done fairly quickly. (see below)
  • Brand your videos – Put your brand in front of each viewer. It will help make a name for your company, and viewers will associate your expertise and relevant, useful content with your brand/company.

Here are 5 of the top FREE and top 5 of the PAID websites to submit your optimized video to: